Periodontics & Endodontics

Periodontal therapy aims to remove the Dysbiosis plaque biofilm from the tooth surface and create a setting that supports continued health. Periodontal disease can be treated surgically or non-surgically; the best course of action depends on the patient, the place, and other systemic factors. When a person has periodontal disease, their body's immune system reacts to the plaque biofilm and its metabolic byproducts, causing attachment and bone loss.

The development of new metals for root canal instruments, extremely precise electronic apex locators, sophisticated root canal sealers, irrigation solutions, and devices that promise a wide range of achievements in cleaning the root canal systems, as well as root reparative materials for defects and surgical procedures, and obturation materials and techniques that all aspire to achieve the ideal root canal are characteristics of endodontics, specifically when applied to enhanced root canal procedures.

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